
Cultivating the craft of spaceholding

Withness - an immersion to learn practices

of presence and respond-ability

in greater service to the relational world.

Ages 18+ |  September 6-9, 2024 | Return to Community Workshops & Events

Program Details  |  Program Staff  |  Other Programs



As humans, we are  inner and inter-relational beings. This workshop leans into learning more about our inner tracking and resourcing, to be of greater service in our relational world as space holders. As we cultivate intimacy with more deep knowing of ourselves, we are able to show up more for others and have a deeper understanding of them.  In this there is healing and wholeness to be found for us all.  

In this workshop we will also tap into tools and resources that help us to show up in a  relaxed, present, spontaneous, authentic and centered way..

We use the term “space-holder” loosely as this workshop is for: Individuals and professionals that are in the fields of working with humans. Of creating containers, of guiding, facilitating,  teaching, including and not limited to: Wilderness guides, Therapists, body workers, teachers, counselors, artists, health care workers, tattoo artists, anyone who wants to be more present with others. 

While this program is for folks over 18 years of age, we work with all stages of the human experience that bring curiosity and intention to engage. 

All bodies - All people - welcomed. 

We will focus on one’s sovereignty of body, soul and self while also tending the possibility of dissolving the barriers of separation.  In this paradox we seek a sense of “withness” of self, other and the world.

We will explore Withness through the dimensions of body, soul, mind, and emotions, interwoven with spirit. We will offer teachings of deep listening and embodiment as doorways to the fullness and possibility of self and soul in connection with another.

We will spend time being with each other, sharing our stories within the art of council and mirroring, resourcing through embodiment exploration and deep connection to the more than human world.  We will evoke the ability to go beyond our stories, to the knowing of our soma, in solitude, with others and with the presence of our own unfolding ceremony. And throughout it all, we will be with the wildlands and nature around us and within us. 

To learn more before registering, or if you have a question about your registration or your payment arrangement, please contact us.

Financial Aid is currently available.



In-Person Course


Ages 18 +
All Genders


September 6-9th, 2024

Arrival: Sept 6th at 10am

Complete by: September 9th at 4pm.

RiverRoot Farm: on the middle fork of the Nooksack river in the foothills of Mount Baker, on the ancestral lands of the Nooksack people.

Food and Lodging: Participants may camp on-site or arrange their own lodging nearby, and need to provide and cook their own breakfasts and lunch. Dinners will be provided, with food provided by Journeys. Bring all that you need to camp & sleep outside in the level of comfort that you prefer. (Tents are recommended as tarp space may be limited)


$650 - $1500, Sliding Scale
$400 deposit due at Registration
Financial Aid is currently available

Please note there is a $40 minimum payment for anyone applying for financial aid and applications must be received at least 48 hours prior to the start date of the program

Hawthorne Berries


Check out our FAQ page or send us a message!




jenny macke



Jenny is a soft and wild teacher. A nurturer and an edge walker in one. Always willing to dive deep and seek the unexpected. Tuning in with her heart, mind and belly she sees and supports the web of interconnection, personally and collectively, that is a necessary healing salve in our world today. Making art, and deep connection to the natural world, feeds her soul and inspires her teaching each time she steps forward to hold space for others...


gretchen (grae) gerlach



Gretchen (Grae) Gerlach (they/she) grew up in rural Montana on traditional Salish lands, where she was raised as much by the wilderness as by her nature loving community. With the Rocky Mountains, glacier fed rivers, ancient forests, creatures of her homeland and a horse ranching family as inspiration she declared her life purpose early on in life (6 years old); “I will work with the nature in people!”…


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