
Your support Creates hope for the next generation!

  • This next generation of youth are facing unprecedented challenges that affect their health on all levels - mind, body, emotions and soul. They need help gaining resourcing and resiliency skills that will support them to be the leaders we need in the world. Journeys helps them not lose hope in what it is important to live for…

  • deep connection with the natural world

  • shared heart connections with other humans

  • service by tapping into their unique gifts!

We also give youth tools and experiences that make direct change in their lives and others.

Without your support this 55 year old organization, with deep roots and wisdom, will not survive and help others thrive.

You can make a difference in the world with your support today. This goes to scholarship fund for youth that would not otherwise be able to participate, towards establishing conscious parenting classes and multi-generational community programs to help support a more soulful world.

Thank you for lifting kids lives in partiocular with your gift today! 

As a 501(c)3 organization, your gift to ROPJ is tax-deductible.
Our Tax ID # is 35 - 2283871.

Gratitude from the youth


 “I couldn’t see thirty feet in front of me due to the mist…

I looked up at a nearby rock formation, and there was a bald eagle perched on the highest point on the peak. It felt as though the eagle was sitting out the solo with me. I was inspired to sit like that bird; calm, confident, and silent.”

Luca, Coming of Age, Age 13


“I strongly believe in the power wilderness can have on youth, especially in this day and age.

Journeys trips are truly life-changing. They teach youth leadership, responsibility, trust, teamwork and self-growth through in-depth councils and basic wilderness skills. The guides on the trip were powerful role models and respected and treated us like adults. I'm incredibly grateful to have been able to spend such a full 3 weeks in the beautiful outdoors….”

Grace, Solo Crossing, Age 16


“I really felt that I was welcomed into young womanhood.

This journey had awesome guides…. They treated us like adults and let us help out with everything that needed to be done. I grew to be confident and became a much more open person. I think that that will help me a lot in relationships with people.”

Katya, Moon Rise, Age 12



Summer Success Report

Your gifts this spring helped us meet our matching grant campaign of $100,000 — including Harris Family's $44,000 scholarship grant! You fueled a summer of days unplugged, nights under stars, and souls searched… On behalf of families, mentors, volunteers and staff, we send you our deepest gratitude!

2023 Summer Report >

2022 Summer Report >

2021 Summer Report >

2020 Summer Report >

2019 Summer Report >

2018 Summer Report >


Annual Gratitude Report

Your contribution to Rite of Passage Journeys is an investment in self-awareness and strength. Your support opens that door to the kind of “summit-the-pass” determination it takes for youth and adults to thrive in a world full of challenges.

2023 Gratitude Report>

2022 Gratitude Report >

2021 Gratitude Report >

2020 Gratitude Report >

2019 Gratitude Report >

2018 Gratitude Report >

2017 Gratitude Report >