A 3 day weekend to experience and design containers for personal and group rituals that are grounded in the body and connected to soul
with Jenny Macke (Journeys Executive Director)
Ages 18+ | Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 2025
An opportunity to connect your inner ecosystems with the natural world in ceremony to let unfold what is authentically present and ready to unfold.
Ritual is remembrance. Ritual acknowledges. Ritual transforms.
Come join us for three days of meaningful connection to self and the world - in the conversation and the practice of soulful ceremony. If you have been feeling some disconnect lately or are longing for more tools for sacred soulful connection, then this workshop is for you.
There is a generous & generative field of knowing that is inside us and in relationship to the world. This field invites us to tune in - open our senses - and listen to all that is seen and unseen. When we participate in a strong container of ritual we are reminded of our innate capacity to be in relationship to “what is”, in a sacred way. At the heart of what we are offering is a container to inquire within you about what creates a strong container of ritual.
Many of us have memories of a lack of ceremony or participating in ceremonies that didn’t quite land “home” inside our psyche and soul. Maybe they were awkward or forced or did not have meaning. It’s time to be curious about what does land and can work for you personally and in community.
Ceremony helps us slow down and get curious about the flow of life (or sometimes to what is inhibiting this flow of life). It can allow us to step into deeper contact with our inner self and the wild and wide world around us.
As we dive into ritual and make contact with our inner and outer ecosystems we will deepen our connection to the soulful wisdom that lies within us and in the natural heart and breath of all things.
During this weekend we will be with the movements of the mundane and mystical, the form and formless to facilitate rituals that bridge the soul with our body - to spark and ignite movement.
This 3-day workshop is meant to deepen your capacity to be in the depths and the play of facilitating inward and outward-facing rituals. Meeting the landscape of our inner ecosystem - navigating what is fixed and fluid within ourselves and bringing ritual to those spaces. To connect with the incredible possibility of deepening relationship of the natural world and our bodies. And coming together as a group we will also cultivate a ritual that faces outward to our collective hearts.
This workshop is practical as we will also dive into gaining new tools for ritual that might answer some of these questions:
How do I create rituals that are present-moment oriented and non-appropriative of other cultures?
What are some of the elements that support self-created ceremony for transformation, that mark an event in life, or just helps make the everyday more meaningful?
What supports a group in gathering together, dropping in, and raising energy that feels authentic and meaningful?
How do I incorporate more embodiment into my ceremony practice?
How do I bring deep connection to my inner world and the more than human world?
Ultimately we are asking, what is calling from within you to be remembered?
Ages 18 +
All Genders
Aug 30-Sept. 1, 2025
Arrival Time: 11am
Departure Time: 4pm
River Root
Whatcom County - Mt Baker Foothills on the middlefork of the Nooksack River - See below for more info on River Root
$350-$950 Sliding Scale
Due at Registration
Financial Aid is currently available
Please note there is a $100 minimum payment for anyone applying for financial aid and applications must be received at least one week prior to the start date of the program
Questions? Check out our FAQ page or send us a message!
Creating Soulful Ritual, 2009
Jenny Macke
Jenny (she/they) is a lover of exploring the wilderness of ones self and interconnection with the natural world. She is a skilled ceremonialist and facilitator and has mentored people from around the world to soulfully hold space for themselves and groups. The wild middle fork of the Nooksack River is where she calls home and tends deep relationship with the land…
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